Customer case

Inventory Management in the Maritime Sector: A Perfect Task for Pon Logistics!

What started in 2020 with an inventory analysis and a study on improving inventory management has now evolved into a valuable collaboration. In January of this year, Pon Logistics began the insourcing of inventory management for MAN Rollo. What prompted this? The maturity of inventory management at Pon Logistics, which quickly led to the initial discussions. The result? “A win-win-win situation for three parties,” says Hans Carels, head of the Service & Supply department at Pon Logistics. MAN Rollo is an international importer of the MAN brand and has been supplying diesel and gas engines for the industrial and maritime sectors for over a century.


Exploration Phase

Since every client is different, each project begins with getting to know each other, understanding the company, and examining the current inventory strategy. Interviews with various stakeholders often reveal a wealth of useful information. Project leader Vera van Manen notes, “We often see that while there is considerable thought given to the business strategy, less attention is paid to translating this into an inventory strategy (what the goal of your inventory is). Also, the decision rules based on which inventory management is carried out often receive less attention. Together, MAN Rollo and Pon Logistics have now defined the inventory strategy and its corresponding objectives.”

warehousing bulk

Implementation Process

After defining the strategy and inventory objectives, the implementation process began. Hans Carels comments, “Since May, we have been handling the operational inventory management for Man Rollo and collaborating with colleagues on-site to achieve the inventory objectives.” A Pon Logistics Inventory Planner is present weekly at MAN Rollo. “This proximity to the client helps us understand the ongoing situations and makes us easily approachable for questions and ideas,” says Inventory Planner Pauline Melchers. “Within the agreed parameters, we determine what is ordered, when it’s ordered, and how much is ordered. We also monitor the supply chain up to MAN Rollo’s Distribution Center. The objective is quite ambitious, but it suits a company like MAN Rollo. We aim to get at least 95% of the orders to the client complete and without deviations within 48 hours.”

Distinctive Capability

MAN Rollo operates in the industrial and maritime sector, a field where inventory management can become complex and a high level of service is desired—something that Pon Logistics excels in. Hans Carels notes, “We focus on companies that require a high service level where high availability really makes a difference. Such parties do not necessarily choose the provider that guarantees the lowest price, but rather the one that delivers the best services. We excel in handling complex situations and a service-oriented policy.”

Win-win-win Situation

The implementation process for MAN Rollo presented significant advantages. Pon Logistics has been managing the inventory for MAN Truck & Bus for some time. By adding MAN Rollo, both parties benefited. The tasks are performed by the same people, the type of inventory is similar, and the systems could be partially integrated. This integration made the operations much more efficient, creating a genuine win-win-win situation for all three parties involved.

Successful Outcomes

The project kicked off in January 2021, with the actual operations starting in April. Hans reports, “By early summer, the initial results were visible. The inside sales team at MAN Rollo reports that availability has indeed improved, allowing them to sell more and satisfying both customers and technicians. The designed inventory proposition is starting to take effect. Feedback from management, inside sales, and planning indicates improved stock levels, which assists planners, for instance, in scheduling service technicians and managing available materials. We are all very pleased with this.”

In summary, this is a successful project with much potential for further achievements. The Supply Chain team at Pon Logistics serves many different industries and products. This is achieved with inventory specialists who continue to develop and learn throughout their careers. The diversity of challenges and the opportunity to learn from each other strengthen the team significantly.

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