Customer case Veloretti

Shipping a bike is quite different from shipping a compact, square box.


Bike label Veloretti is gaining popularity more and more, not just in the Netherlands but also across Europe. Since 2022, Veloretti has been a part of Pon Holdings, thus becoming a part of the world’s largest bike producer. Wouter Lamtink has been working for Veloretti even before this acquisition and has witnessed the tremendous growth over the past ten years. Currently, he holds the position of overseeing the entire supply chain of Veloretti. And it’s precisely within the supply chain that Veloretti has embarked on a collaboration with Pon Logistics this year. We spoke with Wouter along with Jakob Peperkamp, a logistics consultant from Pon Logistics, about this partnership.

Wouter, can you tell how the collaboration with Pon Logistics came about?

“Before we became part of the Pon group, we worked with another company. After the acquisition, we wanted to join forces with other Pon brands, so we looked at how we could create more collaborations within the group. We were looking for a partner with many possibilities for warehousing and value added logistics. After all, we were growing very quickly and were unsure if we could handle the influx of bikes. Additionally, we wanted to expand our service to customers. That’s how we got in touch with Pon Logistics,” says Wouter.”

“After that, things moved quickly. In April 2023, the deal was sealed. We started working on the integration and the initiation of the process from Pon Logistics’ logistics solutions center (LSC). This enabled us to receive the first bikes in our warehouse in Barneveld in June,” adds Jakob. However, there was a challenge with finding a suitable transporter, Wouter explains. “Sending a bike is quite different from sending a compact, square box. We had already started with a transporter, but after a few weeks, they indicated that it didn’t fit their business model. We had to act fast because bikes needed to be delivered. Fortunately, Pon Logistics has many carriers in its network, and so we managed to set up a whole new process with PostNL Extra@Home within 24 hours. All’s well that ends well.”


We were able to switch to another transporter within 24 hours.


Wouter Lamtink

On the collaboration between Veloretti and Pon Logistics.


How is the collaboration going today?

“The start-up has been smooth since April. We have regular contact and know how to reach each other well. Additionally, we can serve our customers faster and better. Orders that are in stock and placed before four o’clock are shipped the next day,” says Wouter. Currently, the two parties are looking into how to further optimize the collaboration. “The bicycles are manufactured in the factory in Portugal and are shipped from there to Barneveld. Once they arrive in Barneveld, we conduct an additional quality check. Based on that, we have decided to load and package the bicycles differently. Perhaps in the future, the collaboration will be expanded to include bicycle repairs or picking individual accessories.”

How would you describe Pon Logistics as a logistics service provider?

Three words come to mind for Wouter: “Collaborative, accommodating, and customer-oriented. The people at Pon Logistics brainstorm with us and come up with ideas. Additionally, I am very pleased with the price/quality ratio and the real-time availability in Tableau, Pon Logistics’ BI tool. This way, we know exactly where an order is in the process and which bicycle belongs to which customer.”

What are your ambitions for the future at Veloretti?

“Our focus is on expanding with our electric bicycles. We also want to efficiently support our customers throughout the entire purchase and usage period. The first service points where bicycles can be tested, assembled, and repaired have already been opened, and by the end of the year, we will have 10 official service partners spread across the Netherlands. And our lease bikes are also popular; Veloretti is already the most leased bicycle at Lease-a-Bike.”


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How can Pon Logistics play a role in these ambitions?

Wouter explains: “By continuing to do what they already do: swiftly adapting, delivering promptly, and scaling up when necessary. Ensuring customer satisfaction is also a crucial pillar. Perhaps repairs will be included in the future.” Jakob adds: “In the coming years, we want to do more for our Pon Bike colleagues. With more and more bicycle brands falling under the Pon label, and the prominent name Veloretti being one of them, we are actively working on optimizing logistics for the bicycle market. By optimizing and handling logistics for customers, they can focus on their core business, which is designing and selling bicycles.”

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