The 4 most used order picking techniques in the warehouse
There are several factors that can make or break your logistics. A crucial success factor is the order-picking method. In the Pon Logistics warehouse in Leusden, there are four picking strategies that we frequently use:
- Single Order Picking Each order is prepared one at a time. The order picker processes the complete order separately in a dedicated container.
- Batch Picking The order picker collects items from different orders simultaneously in a common container. During the expedition process, the items are distributed across the various orders.
- Zone Picking The order picker is assigned to a work zone where they collect the items for the various orders in that zone. This strategy requires an investment in an automated Warehouse Management System (WMS).
- Goods to Person The order picker is assigned to a picking station. Items are transported to the picking stations by an automated system (Automated Storage and Retrieval System, ASRS). The order picker can collect items per order. After the picking process, items are stored back in the automated warehouse.
We apply all four of the above-described picking strategies in our warehouse in Leusden, with a focus on the fourth method. Since 2018, our ASRS in Leusden has been fully operational, and with this machine, we process 75% (equivalent to 15,000) of the daily order lines. Since March 2022, we have been processing E-commerce orders for a new customer in a separate zone. For processing these orders, we apply ‘single and batch picking’ strategies with the support of our WMS, processing 2,500 order lines daily in this way.
When to Choose Which Order-Picking Strategy?
The choice of a particular strategy has everything to do with the customer’s wishes. These might include: shortening the order process time, increasing quality, handling larger volumes without employing more manpower, increasing the ability to scale up and down, or maximizing the use of available warehouse space.
Advantages and Disadvantages
Single order picking is especially suitable for smaller companies. The process is simple, and you do not incur high costs for automation or implementation. However, the solution is not very scalable and is somewhat prone to errors. Batch Picking has higher productivity because it requires less time to collect more orders. The disadvantage is that items need to be sorted ‘at the end,’ so you have double handling. Zone Picking is particularly interesting when dealing with individual items instead of boxes. The advantage is that operators work within their zone and do not get in each other’s way. The downside is that an investment in automation is required. Goods to Person is very efficient, highly scalable, and less error-prone because large parts of the process are automated. The disadvantage is the need for technology investment.
What is the Best Method for You?
Are you curious about which method is best for your processes? Or do you want to benefit from more advanced techniques without investing in automation yourself? Feel free to contact us; outsourcing your warehousing could be the solution here.